Monitoring Your Plan

Monitor your plan to see how your plan targets compare to actuals.

To ensure plans become reality, Visier promotes a process of continuous planning where you monitor, forecast, and revise plans to reflect business changes or altered goals. Once a plan is complete, you can monitor how well you are executing your plan by comparing actuals to your finalized plan. If you notice that your plan is performing poorly, you may need to revise your plan targets to meet your goals.

When comparing plan values against actuals data, we recommend that you use the plan structure for the actuals calculation. This will allow you to compare the same population of employees that has been defined within the plan to those in actuals. Since plans are future looking, there may be changes to the organization that is being modeled, such as expansions, eliminations, and consolidations. In order to get an accurate comparison that accounts for the changes in the organization structure, as defined in the plan, the actuals values should also be calculated using the same organization structure. Without a common and shared organizational hierarchy, the plan values will represent one population of employees and the actuals will represent another, making the difference between the values hard to identify and understand.

To monitor your plan, on the navigation bar, click Explore .

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